Coed y Cwm, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion: The deep leaf litter beneath my feet soaks up other sounds, creating an acoustic like that of a softly furnished library
The three families of swallows that nested in the abandoned stone shed on the edge of the farm have long since departed, leaving the lane quiet and poorer. Thick skeins of bramble stem, with mature growth the colour of dried blood, have wound through the hedgerow between the very last of the sloes – now looking polished and iridescent.
Skirting the top fringe of the wood, stunted by its exposure to the harsh weather from the south-west, I picked my way through the dense holly understorey. From the deep shade, a wren loudly objected to my intrusion before whirring away through the colour-edged foliage. Patches of light, filtered between the higher branches, highlighting the layer of moss that smoothed the rough bark of the trunks.
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