I can't bear people who swim too fast in the slow lane | Coco Khan

Mark my words, there will be an entire circle of hell dedicated to them

I reached two adulting milestones recently: I passed my driving test and I completed a length in a swimming pool. These accomplishments were a vital lesson in expectation versus reality. I thought that once I had these basic skills life would be all spontaneous drives to Cornwall and snorkelling with the cast of Finding Nemo. My life is mainly getting cut up by 17-year-olds in the Sainsbury’s car park, and being too slow for the slow lane at the pool.

Mark my words, there will be an entire circle of hell dedicated to people who swim too fast in the slow lane. Don’t these people understand that “slow” is a relative term? If someone (ie me) slows the average speed of the lane, so be it. Either swim slower or move to a faster lane. People must learn to adapt. It’s like the ancient sage Heraclitus once said: no man can doggy paddle in the same lane twice.

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