New Study Shows That Shining A Light On The Skin Can Help Get Rid Of Itching

Woman hand-scratching her itching skin causing redness around the Itching area.

Itching is one of the most irritating and uncontrollable sensations that can, at times, drive a person crazy if they have certain skin conditions. A new study, however, shows that itching can be quickly relieved by shining a light on the skin.

Carried out by researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Rome, Italy, the study experimented with mice who stopped itching after undergoing the treatment and scratched less.

Scientists called the results of the experiment “exciting” because it gives hopes to those who suffer from chronic skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis that can cause uncontrollable and painful itching.

As reported by the Daily Mail, many patients who suffer from skin disorders that cause itching describe it as not only annoying but even life debilitating. And although people can get temporary relief from itching by scratching their skins, the act can cause skin damage and inflammation, which, in turn, creates a vicious cycle.

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