New Study Makes Links Between Viruses And Alzheimer’s

Speech to the Alzheimer's Society

It’s a disease the slowly over time robs a person of their memories and eventually their life but as yet, researchers haven’t been able to figure out what causes Alzheimer’s disease, never mind how to stop it or even better, reverse the damage and cure it. Yet in a landmark study that was published in the journal Neuron on June 21, researchers were able to draw a connection between the degenerative disease that claims the lives of one out of three seniors (if not Alzheimer’s then a relative form of dementia) annually, to two viruses.

“The new study gives the results of a large-scale analysis of data from the post-mortem brain samples of Alzheimer’s patients and ‘control’ patients with normal brain function. They relied on four large databases of samples, which each contained multiple kinds of genetic information,” reports Popular Science.

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