Researchers Reveal Eating Out Could Lead To Increased Phthalate Exposure, Pose Potential Health Risks

Researchers Reveal Eating Out Could Lead To Increased Phthalate Exposure, Pose Potential Health Risks

A new study suggested that there’s another reason to favor home-cooked meals over eating out at fast food outlets or restaurants — possible exposure to chemical agents known as phthalates.

As explained by the Guardian, phthalates are hormone-disrupting chemicals that are used in food packaging, shampoos, adhesives, and soaps for binding purposes. Researchers had previously found that phthalate exposure could lead to conditions such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, and fertility problems. Separately, CNN wrote that consuming these chemicals had previously been associated with medical issues in children and adults alike, such as birth defects, behavioral problems, and obesity. As such, U.S. officials have banned certain types of phthalates from children’s products.

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