Why You Should Unfollow Certain People on Social Media as an Act of Self-Care

Ever scrolled through Instagram and found yourself rolling your eyes or even getting upset over someone's photo or caption? Delete them. Social media is a great way to stay connected to friends and family and keep up with current events, but it can also be more toxic than you realize, especially if you're dwelling on what you see long after you've seen it. We've said before that being selective about the people you keep around is an important form of self-care. Well, who you choose to follow online is no exception. Just like how the KonMari method aims to rid your home of clutter and items that don't "spark joy," you should be applying the same rule to people.

In case you're thinking, "That's a little dramatic," eliminating any source of unhappiness - no matter how small - will only benefit you. Don't underestimate the power of social media. Why let an acquaintance's insensitive Facebook status fire you up or allow yourself to give into jealousy sparked by someone's "humble" brag? Simply put, it's just not worth it. And don't even get me started on why you shouldn't follow any exes who still affect you. Unfollow anyone who can shift your mood in a negative direction, and instead, add people/accounts that inspire you or bring you joy. The result will be a detoxed feed limited to only those worthy of your time.

"Unfollow anyone who can shift your mood in a negative direction."

You'll notice how much more positive your social media experience is when you curate your feed for the better. Even choosing to keep accounts that feature ridiculous memes that make you laugh is totally acceptable. Our screens are often the last thing we see each day, so anything that helps brighten your mood can be equally as beneficial. A digital detox altogether would, of course, be ideal, but if that's not realistic for you, consider deep-cleaning your friends list.

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