Success Story Follow-Up: At 70-Years-Old I’m On a Roll!

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

I almost died in 2006 when I was 59-years-old. Although my doctors saved my life from a stroke, they didn’t have the answers I needed to turn my life around. It took 7 years before I learned about primal nutrition and lifestyle. In April 2013, I changed my life, and I have never looked back.

Today, I am beginning my fifth year of starting over. On, April 27, 2017, I turned 70 years old. And, I am on a roll. I owe so much to so many. But, individuals like Dr. John Bagnulo, Kathie Swift, Dr. Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, and Chris Kresser stand out as most influential. They’re my mentors and paved a path that I joyfully travel today.

I am healthier today than I have ever been. Some of my old friends think I am a fanatic because I have changed so much, and they haven’t. Oh well, I can’t change everybody.

With a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet and primal lifestyle, I have been able to maintain my weight at 157 pounds. The energy I have is contagious, and I incorporate my primal enthusiasm with the treatment I provide my patients with gum disease.

In_Text_Al leaning on pole 1_9_17As I was approaching my eighth decade of life, I began to think about what I could leave for others—my legacy. I wanted to share my knowledge and experience for all who would listen and learn. So, I started writing, and I haven’t stopped.

I created a website where I became known as the Nutritional Periodontist. In 2015, the College of Integrative Medicine contracted me to write a dental program for their 300-hour post-graduate program, which offers a Certified Integrative Healthcare Professional designation. My module describes the relationship between ancestral health, dental health, and overall health.

To get the word out to my dental profession, I wrote a continuing education program for dentists and dental hygienists called Beat the Beast of Dental Disease. It is a 5-part online course that is offered through, which is authorized to offer 7-hours of continuing education credits to those who complete it. My course teaches primal nutrition and lifestyle to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.
I also wrote a book titled Crazy-Good Living that was published this past year.

One exciting thing I learned is that a person is never too old to make a difference in his or her life. Another exciting thing I learned is that it is easy to make this change. However, you must be motivated to make the machine we call our human body to perform at its best. Your body deserves to be taken care of just as you would take care of an expensive automobile. In reality, this body is the only thing that will take you around for the rest of your life.

Grok On!

Dr. Alvin Dannenberg, DDS

Primal Health Coach

The post Success Story Follow-Up: At 70-Years-Old I’m On a Roll! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

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