Has Angelina Jolie’s Double Mastectomy Inspired More Women To Get Them?

Has Angelina Jolie's Double Mastectomy Inspired More Women To Get Them?

Remember the “Angelina Jolie effect”? New research suggests that women with early-stage breast cancer in one breast are more likely to have double mastectomies, with the likelihood of getting this procedure much greater in some states than others. And while it isn’t sure why more women are having both their breasts removed even if one of them is still healthy, researchers believe it may have something to do with actress Angelina Jolie’s surprising decision to have a double mastectomy in 2013.

A study published on Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery suggests that women aged 20 to 44 suffering from breast cancer are more likely than ever before to go under the knife and have both breasts removed, even if their cancer is in the early stages and diagnosed in only one breast. But what stood out as one the most interesting takeaways was how women in certain states were far more likely to undergo the operation than women in others.

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