Get the printable version of this seven-minute HIIT workout here!
When it comes to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), the pros definitely outweigh the cons. While it may feel unpleasant to push your body to go faster and harder for that short time period, the rewards are worth it: HIIT helps you blast more belly fat, save time, and burn way more calories (even after your workout is long over) than a lower-intensity workout alone. A study published in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health and Fitness Journal found that a few minutes of training at almost your max can accomplish all of this in way less time than a traditional workout. How much less? Try just seven minutes total.
The ACSM's interval workout consists of 12 exercises, which should be done at an intensity of eight on a scale of 10; each exercise lasts 30 seconds, with a 10-second rest in between. Repeat the circuit if you'd like a longer workout. Keeping the intensity up - and the rest periods short - is key, so keep reading to learn the moves and then get going! You'll need a mat and a chair or bench.
Alternative healing method three other (unapproved) botanical names for catuaba are used incorrectly in herbal commerce today: Juniperus brasiliensis (which is thought to refer to "small catuaba"), and Anemopaegma mirandum and Eriotheca candolleana, which are completely different species altogether.