Weight Loss Study From Harvard Reveals Link Between Trauma, Food Addiction

Weight Loss Study From Harvard Reveals Link Between Trauma, Food Addiction

For the millions of Americans who are struggling with weight loss, particularly the chronically obese, the next pill or medical procedure may seem to be the answer to losing weight. Excess pounds can affect a person’s health as well as self esteem. Looking for the right answers to lose those pounds for good can be difficult too because there’s so much conflicting information. In a recent study released by Harvard, it may provide some clues to successful weight loss for those who are struggling.

The Huffington Post reported that childhood trauma plays a role in food addiction and weight loss. Issues like physical, verbal and sexual abuse may lead individuals, particularly women, to pack on the pounds as a way of coping with abandonment and abuse. Food is very comforting, and for some, it’s a way to deal with that pain.

For those who are struggling to lose those pounds, the answer may lie in evidence based science that links the connection between childhood trauma and weight gain. Dieters who are struggling to lose weight and have tried everything imaginable may want to consider childhood trauma as a reason for their struggles.

In a recent study at Harvard, 57,321 women were studied to determine the link between childhood trauma and weight. Using the Yale Food Addiction Scale with these women, they determined that both severe physical and sexual abuse caused a 90 percent increase in food addiction risk. The researchers concluded the following.

“A history of child abuse is strongly associated with food addiction in this population.”

Researchers also conducted a study where they examined the link between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and weight loss struggles. What they discovered is that 80 percent of the group had been exposed to trauma while 66 percent had at least one lifetime PTSD symptom.

As previously reported in Inquisitr, dealing with the psychological barriers involved in weight loss can help dieters to succeed and keep the weight off for good. One of the most difficult barriers for those trying to lose weight was sticking with exercise. Researchers concluded that diet and exercise wasn’t enough to help dieters lose weight. It was necessary to overcome the psychological barriers too.

The New York Times reported previously that exercise wasn’t effective in losing weight. According to their findings from a report put out by the Academy of Royal Colleges in 2015, exercise is actually a miracle pill. The conclusion was based on a variety of many randomized controlled trials, and it showed a myriad of diseases that dieters can avoid by exercising.

A huge meta analysis of previous studies was used to determine the effects of exercise on chronic disease. One of the diseases that researchers looked at was diabetes, a disease frequently related to weight because weight loss has been proven in the latest studies to actually help diabetics get rid of the disease. Those who exercised had lower levels of HbA1c, a marker related to diabetes. Those who are depressed benefit from exercise too with 23 randomized control studies. The role of mental health is seldom taken into account when trying to help dieters reach their weight loss goals.

The Verge reported that the latest weight loss device approved by the FDA has left some doctors feeling appalled. One doctor put together over 4,000 doctors in order to sue the agency. The believe that the device only leads to temporary weight loss and may contribute to eating disorders down the road.

[Photo by Pixabay]

Weight Loss Study From Harvard Reveals Link Between Trauma, Food Addiction is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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