“Camp was a long weekend where I could be comfortable being myself, meeting others, and learning new things, in a way that I have never experienced outside of Camp.”
“I was most surprised by how comfortable I felt at Camp – after the initial shock of being there, it felt like home, and people whose faces I had never seen before felt like friends.”
“This community is the most supportive, empowering, and non-judgmental group I’ve ever been a part of.”
– 3 campers, Camp Nerd Fitness 2015
It’s time to officially pull back the curtains on my favorite five days of the year: Camp Nerd Fitness 2016 THIS September 21-25.
For the past two years, hundreds of Nerd Fitness Rebels have descended upon the gorgeous mountains of Georgia for an epic long weekend of fun, fitness, video games, costume parties, and everything in between.
It’s our own private Hogwarts, complete with Headmasters, costumes, and a questing system woven throughout the entire experience.
I know I’m not alone in saying every year this is a life-changing event. I’ve left each event the past two years a complete mess: my sides are sore from laughing, my mouth actually hurts from smiling so much, and my hand is sore from all the high fives. And yet it leaves me energized, inspired, and ready to level up my life.
I expect this year to be no different – in addition to fan-favorite events like powerlifting instruction, cooking classes, parkour, yoga, and sword fighting, we’ve added some hotly requested new opportunities too!
- Archery based on Hunger Games and Lord of the Rings? Duh!
- Swing dancing instruction so you can own the dance floor? YUP.
- Improv classes so you can become a king or queen of comedy? Can’t wait.
I could go on and on and on, but it might be easier for you to just watch this six minute video from last year’s event:
So, my next question is: will I see you there?
We quickly sold out of the spots reserved for past Campers last fall, and we expect our final 250 spots to go very quickly as well.
Here’s the rest of the info you’ll need to know so you can book your spot later on this week!
What is Camp Nerd Fitness?
Camp Nerd Fitness 2016 is a celebration of all things relating to the Nerd Fitness Rebellion.
Take the best parts of summer camp as a kid, add a powerfully supportive community cheering you on as you try tons of new activities and events, and throw in fun costume parties, an entire room dedicated to board and video games that are always looking for players, and then surround yourself with the beautiful mountains of Georgia. That’s Camp.
At Camp, you could spend a day trying out a ton of different activities:
- Wake up and try a morning bootcamp with Headmaster Amy Clover.
- Go for a kayak on the lake (or the blob!), or take in a talk about Nutrition from Maddie Berky.
- Learn how to cook an amazing meal with Michelle Tam, and then eat it!
- Try the high ropes course or rock climbing wall with fellow Rebels.
- Get your squat form critiqued by Jim Bathurst or Jen Sinkler.
- Try Parkour for the first time with Robin of Brooklyn Zoo NY.
- Mix things up with sword fighting from Dakao Do!
- Play a game of ultimate frisbee on the lawn.
- Eat a nutritious dinner while sharing stories with other Rebels.
- Cross a few quests off your list by exploring different parts of the campground.
- Change into your costume for an epic dance party like this or meet fellow Rebels in the game room for a low-key night of board games. The choice is yours!
Now, in between all of the amazing classes and instruction you’ll get from our hand-selected coaches, you’ll also eat top-notch meals based on recipes from Rebel Chef Noel Fernando and headmaster Michelle Tam of the award-winning site, Nom Nom Paleo!
Personally, I loved the parties at night where I dressed up as Assassin’s Creed and met a Happy Meal, or when we had a glow party that kept us jumping and dancing for hours.
My other favorite moments? Watching Rebels support each other trying new activities for the first time. If you’ve EVER been afraid to attend a yoga class, or a martial arts class, or try parkour, or some other activity (we probably have it) this is the place to do it. You’re surrounded by your family who can’t wait to cheer you on no matter your level of fitness.
And lastly, I love just sitting on rocking chairs and just having 1-on-1 conversations with Rebels about where they’re at in life and where they want to go. It’s moments like this that truly make Camp special and something you can’t find anywhere else.
I’ve told you about the events; now let’s share who will be teaching you!
Who are my instructors (headmasters)?
Whether you are looking to learn or improve a specific lift, get some advice on your program or diet, learn a new skill like archery, parkour, sword fighting, or yoga, or just get your body to move in a new way, we’ve assembled a team of headmasters unlike anything ever before. Here’s your squad of yodas:
Jim Bathurst (Strength Training): Jim is the current Master of the Training Universe for Nerd Fitness, having previously been CrossFit Director for CrossFit Foggy Bottom, a personal trainer (who won Best Personal Trainer from the Washington City Paper), and founder of the site BeastSkills.com.
Maddie Berky (Nutrition and Sexual Health): Maddie is a writer, blogger, storyteller, power-seeker, & holistic nutritionist who believes we all have the right to feel powerful and sexy in our own lives.
Amy Clover (Boot Camp & Mental Wellness): Amy Clover is a writer, speaker, mental health advocate and the force behind Strong Inside Out, a site that inspires and gives you tools to become stronger than your struggle.
Dakao Do (Sword Fighting & Martial Arts): Dakao loves to move—be it dancing, running, jumping, or fighting. His 16-year martial arts background includes German longsword, Italian rapier, parkour, 2 styles of kung fu, muay thai, and capoeira.
Rachael Fraser (Martial Arts): Years of training and teaching TaeKwon-Do, kickboxing, and boxing taught her the self-discipline, power, and self-confidence that she is excited to share with anyone who’s willing. If you find yourself in need of more power, balance, mobility, and overall badassery, come let her show you what you are capable of.
Kate Galliett (Mobility & Foundational Movement): Not only will Kate help you with mobility, strength training, and body awareness, she’s full of advice and tips to recover from and avoid injury – allowing you to be fully strong, functional, and prepared to tackle anything that comes your way (figuratively, that is. Though…maybe literally too).
Peter Keller (Life Hacking): While growing FringeSport from his garage to 15 full-time employees, Peter learned how to hack airline, hotel, and vacation spots, adventuring across the world for pennies on the dollar.
Rog Law (Fitness Foundations): Using his unique style of hilarity, gaming references and an unyielding sense of positivity, his goal is to show people how to use fitness as a tool to not only get in shape and feel amazing, but to enhance ALL areas of their life.
Kate Marolt (Yoga & Body Image): Equal parts fierceness, playfulness, and magic sparkles, Kate Marolt is a badass yogi, long time NF community member, and founder of Sacred Body Playground.
Jonathan Mead (Primal Movement): Jonathan Mead is an irreverent pioneer, champion for human wildness and professional instigator. He’s passionate about helping people reawaken the giants sleeping within them.
Ned Miller (Archery): Ned and his wife started Crow’s Head Archery in 2006 to offer unique bows and well-known brands to the world, but his passion for Traditional Archery started years before while watching Lord of the Rings.
Stephanie & Shawn (Dance): Stephanie Schoenherr is a classically trained dancer who has competed and performed with May I Have This Dance around the Midwest, and has been an instructor since 2012. Shawn is a current student and dance host for May I and studies all forms of partner dance. He has been assisting Stephanie for two years now and considers it his mission to make everyone leave with a smile on their face after every class.
Jen Sinkler (Strength Training): Jen Sinkler is a longtime fitness writer and personal trainer who talks about all things related to jacking steel, hefting iron, and lifting weights at her website, UnapologeticallyStrong.com.
Robin Friend Stift (Parkour): Robin manages and teaches at NYC’s only dedicated parkour gym, Brooklyn Zoo NY, having spent the last six and a half years of his life acting and parkouring up and down the East Coast.
Michelle Tam (Cooking & Nutrition): Michelle Tam is the food nerd and working mom behind Nom Nom Paleo, a popular food blog that was recognized by Saveur Magazine as the world’s Best Special Diets Food Blog in 2012.
Barbara Tushbant (Improv): Barbara Tushbant has been on stage since she was a child as a dancer and actor, and has been studying and performing the art of improv for around 10 years with companies from all over Atlanta including Dad’s Garage Theatre Company, Automatic Improv, and Laughing Matters.
Sign up to get on the “early access” list
We’ll be opening up sales for our remaining 250 spots later on this week, but we’ll be giving priority access to people who sign up on the free Nerd Fitness Events mailing list.
You can sign up for that list by visiting CampNerdFitness.com and entering your information at the bottom of the page. This group of people will be the first to be notified that Camp booking has officially opened. If you want one of the few remaining hotel rooms at camp (they sold VERY quickly this past fall), make sure you are on this list and book as soon as you can!
I really hope I can see you at Camp Nerd Fitness this year.
It’s an event that has to be experienced.
Oftentimes in life we feel like we don’t get to be ourselves: we have to hide our nerdy pursuits from the public, while we have to hide our healthy pursuits from our nerdy friends.
Camp Nerd Fitness is a place where everybody feels like they can be themselves. Young or old, introverted or extroverted, gay or straight, it’s a place you can be you: you can nerd out about setting a deadlift PR and then turn around to debate Star Trek vs Star Wars before changing into your Sailor Moon costume for a night of dancing.
It’s kind of like our own Narnia.
I hope to see you there, I’ll be waiting with a giant hug and a high five.
What sort of questions do you have about Camp? Post them here and we’ll be sure to answer them!
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