Gird Your Loins: This Is How Soon You Can Expect Spring Allergy Season to Arrive

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you probably know that it's best to be prepared for the start of Spring by getting ahead of your symptoms before they completely wipe you out. So, when can you expect those warmer temperatures to arrive? It can vary widely, depending on where you live.

For example, in my hometown of Houston, the weather can be annoyingly unpredictable this time of year, going from a crisp 40 degrees one day to a humid 75 the next. Still, it's safe to say that Spring - and thus, those earliest blooms - will arrive by late February. In the Northeast, however, late April or early May is more like it, Lakiea Wright, MD, a board-certified physician in internal medicine and allergy and immunology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and medical director at Thermo Fisher Scientific in Boston, told POPSUGAR.

"It really depends on when the trees start to pollinate in your region," she said. "However, no matter where you live, if you tend to experience allergy symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes or nasal congestion, it's wise to talk to your healthcare provider about getting tested to determine what, exactly, you're allergic to." (A blood test can identify hundreds of allergens, such as pollen and mold.)

From there, you and your doctor can determine a treatment plan, including how early and often you should take an over-the-counter antihistamine or prescription medication, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Then you can breathe a little easier this Spring, knowing you won't get sidelined by that incessant sniffling.

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