If You Are Addicted to Sugar and Need to Lose Weight, Bright Line Eating Could Be the Answer

Do you think about food and dieting all day long? Are you the type of person who eats one brownie but can't stop thinking about them and ends up eating half the pan? Have you tried losing weight for years without success? It's so exhausting, isn't it? The goods news is, it's not your fault, and the better news is, there's a solution.

Inspired by her own issues with drug addiction, food addiction, and weight gain, Susan Pierce Thompson, a psychology professor with a PhD in brain and cognitive sciences, studied why certain people's brains block them from losing weight. From her research in neuroscience, psychology, and biology, she developed a system called Bright Line Eating.

In her book, the entire first half explains how our brains work and the science behind why people who are desperate to lose weight fail again and again. Certain people are more vulnerable to their brain sabotaging their weight-loss goals. You can take this susceptibility quiz to see how your brain is wired to respond to food (I'm a 10 on the scale!).

She explains how we can lose weight by working with the brain in three ways: building in habits to take the load off of willpower, lowering insulin levels to bring leptin (the "I'm full" hormone) back on board, and replenishing dopamine to eliminate cravings.

Susan says there is only one long-term, sustainable solution, and it's the core principles of Bright Line Eating. They include four "bright lines," which are clear, unambiguous boundaries (or lines) you don't cross, just like a nonsmoker doesn't smoke or a former alcoholic abstains from drinking. Keep reading to learn the four bright lines.

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