The 6 Daily Meals That Helped Lindsay Lose 20 Pounds and Get Her Fitness Back on Track

When Lindsay realized how much weight she gained over the holidays, she knew it was time to make a change. She took a leap of faith and signed up for Renaissance Periodization, a weight-loss program that totally changed her life. She lost 20 pounds, made some serious gains in her fitness, and is now healthier than ever. Read on for her full story.

Lindsay: Before

POPSUGAR: When did you start your weight-loss journey? What made you decide to?

"I learned to discipline myself because motivation only takes you so far."

Lindsay Queen: I have been following macro dieting and Renaissance Periodization (RP) for about four years now. What really motivated me this time was how much weight I had gained over the holidays. I couldn't see it myself until someone took a picture of me.

PS: What was your starting weight?

LQ: At the time I started the RP transformation challenge, I weighed 137.8 pounds, but I'm 5'1.

PS: How much weight have you lost so far?

LQ: I lost 20 pounds total, but I am staying around 120 pounds now, following the maintenance [stage] through RP.

PS: How did you do it? Did you follow a specific diet?

LQ: I owe it all to the RP diet and my husband and friends for helping motivate me to stick with it.

PS: Did you do a specific workout type or schedule?

LQ: I mainly do Olympic weightlifting, but I also threw in some bodybuilding movements just to tweak some muscle growth.

Lindsay: After

PS: What are some nonscale victories you've experienced?

"Take lots of pictures and measurements because the scale won't always move the way you want it to, but you are still making progress!"

LQ: Since being on RP, I finally [did a power clean with] 155 pounds and I can do muscle-ups [an advanced strength-training exercise] again easily!

PS: How do you stay motivated?

LQ: I have my before-and-after pictures up on my refrigerator and in my work office so I can see what I have done. Also, I learned to discipline myself because motivation only takes you so far.

PS: What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

LQ: My meals are quite odd. I don't eat "breakfast," I just eat "meal one."

  • Meal 1: chicken breast and cauliflower
  • Meal 2: rotisserie chicken sandwich meat with celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, and some type of fruit
  • Meal 3: bison/turkey/some kind of lean meat with either roasted broccoli or brussels sprouts and rice cakes or rice
  • Meal 4: protein shake with carbs while I work out
  • Meal 5: lean meat with veggies and rice cakes or rice
  • Meal 6: protein shake with either fruit or a pudding pack with whipped cream

PS: Any advice or tips for people on their own journey?

LQ: Stick with it! Take lots of pictures and measurements because the scale won't always move the way you want it to, but you are still making progress! If you can find a friend to help push you, that always helps.

PS: Anything else you want to share?

LQ: Motivation will only take you so far; you have to learn to be disciplined if you want real change.

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