If You Suffer From Tight Hips, Find a Wall ASAP, and Do This Amazing Stretch

Tight hips are a common affliction among us desk dwellers. They can lead to lower back pain and tightness in our legs and just make us feel all around uncomfortable. Free your tight hips by finding a wall and doing this life-changing stretch (no really, it's that good!).

Known as figure four, you can do this stretch without a wall, but adding resistance by pushing against the wall intensifies this stretch and makes it even more effective.

  • Sit down as close as you can to the wall. Lie down on your back, place your feet on the wall with your knees bent, and scoot your butt against the wall.
  • Extend your feet straight up, resting your heels on the wall. Keep your arms by your sides or by your head (this position will stretch your shoulders).
  • Bend your right knee and rest your ankle just below your left knee.
  • Slowly slide your left foot down the wall; it's OK that your hips come off the floor.
  • Stay here for a minute or so, lowering your left foot even further as your hips begin to open.
  • Release this pose and repeat on the other side.
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