Do These 3 Things in Your Living Room to Lose Weight

You're already binge watching the highly addictive 13 Reasons Why, or maybe the heartwarming This is Us is more your speed. Since you know you'll be in in your living room for 30 to 60 minutes, it's the perfect time to fit in a little fitness. Every little bit helps, so even if you don't feel like doing a full workout, doing even five minutes can help build muscle and burn calories. Here are three things you should do in your living room to encourage weight loss.

  1. Get a crate: Set up your own little home gym in your living room, and keep all the equipment in a crate or drawer. Store dumbbells, a jump rope, a resistance band, and a yoga mat, and every time you sit down to watch TV, you'll see the crate and feel inspired to move. Try this at-home fat-blasting cardio workout or grab a couch and a pillow for this 10-minute couch workout.
  2. Write it down: Every time you make time for a living room workout, record it in a fitness journal (a plain notebook will do) that you keep in your home gym crate. It's helpful to look back at old workouts when you need a little inspiration, and seeing written proof of all your exercise efforts will also motivate you to stick with it and do more workouts! This is also a great place to keep printable workouts like these.
  3. Don't use your coffee table for coffee: If you have a sturdy coffee table, there are tons of exercises you can do using it like you would a bench at the gym. Try these:
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