People who enjoy waking up before 10 a.m. used to genuinely confuse me - how could anyone actually be happy before lunchtime? My idea of a reasonable schedule involved getting to bed way too late, waking up just in time to make it to work feeling absolutely awful, and then skipping the gym at the end of the day because I felt too sluggish to get there.
That horrible cycle landed me with major back issues (hello, sciatica!), signaling that it was finally time to create a schedule that made room for consistent exercise. The key was finding a space in my routine and sticking with it, and for me that meant early morning workouts. I had to accept that some people are capable of having an amazing workout after sitting at a desk for eight hours, but I am just not one of those people. While it still really sucks to get out of bed in the morning sometimes, I keep at it because of these dramatic mental and physical changes.
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